Four months of absence on the blog! Three months without a new video on the Youtube channel. No new music releases. This period of months feels like ages! But my hibernation is coming to an end. New things awaits!

What have you been doing lately?
A lot to be honest! First of all I worked my ass off. But I won’t bother you with the details. That’s boring stuff.
Secondly I spend valuable time with the misses and kids. We watched many movies, played a lot of board games and we had several long walks with the dog. That’s important quality time!
Besides all of this I had enough time and energy left to do something I truly love in my spare time. Besides writing dots on virtual paper. Cycling! I confess, I rode a lot on my bikes these winter months. More than 2500 miles through the beautiful scenery of The Netherlands. Good weather, bad weather … it didn’t bother me. I ate miles for breakfast. For lunch. And for dinner!
But lately something started to tickle again. I realized I missed my Gh0stwrit3r project. So it’s time to return to it with a recharged battery!
So what’s to be expected?
Music of course! I did a collaboration with a very talented composer, pianist. It will be released soon on the channel. Can’t tell you any more right now.
I’m also working on a walkthrough video about my latest music track called The Deep. Main focus of this walkthrough will be the mixing of this track. Especially how I used Fabfilter Pro Q (that’s an EQ plugin).
New orchestral sketches! I love to create those. So expect them to be on my to-do list too.
Probably with a lot more things, cause my brain never sleeps.
Cya around! And make sure to subscribe to the channel so you won’t miss anything new that is coming!