To be honest, I had my doubts about this video. Cause it is about a difficult topic: copyright. I’m not legally educated on this subject. So this video is by no means a legal advise. It’s just my approach, my two cents, how to pay attention to copyright. Especially when you’re a content creator in the fields of music production and music composing.
Don’t forget to hit that like button if you appreciate this video. Also sub to my channel for my music and videos about how to write orchestral music for film.
Polar Express Suite Remake: copyright issues?
A question of one of my subscribers on Youtube about the Polar Express Suite Remake videos, started the idea to create this video about copyright. He asked me if I took a risk by doing a remake of a copyrighted score.
That’s a good question I thought. And I can imagine that more people ask themselves that question. What is allowed and what isn’t?
So in this video I’ll explain the difference between copyright claims and copyright strikes. How I pay attention to and deal with this matter. And how I try to prevent them.
I will also take a minute to talk about the unclarified dimension of copyright. Cause there is also something like fair use and the use of material out of the perspective of educational purposes.
Out of the comments on Youtube I can clearly see that this is a subject that concerns a lot of creators! People also share their experiences with claims and strikes. If you’re interested in their stories, you can read them on the channel ->
MIDI Mockup free to download
You can download my adjusted midi-mockup of this particular piece of the Polar Express Suite on Patreon. It’s free to download.
When you support me on Patreon for only one dollar a month you’ll get my STEMS and master version too. You can use these project files to learn even more and you can use them as a reference for your own Polar Express project.